Life feels upside down.

I understand. I've been there, too.

I work with parents (& their teens) of LGBTQ+ kiddos of a conservative faith background whose world feels like it’s been turned upside down.


I'm a lot like you...

I  am a sibling, a daughter, a niece, an aunt, a volunteer, a life coach, a follower of Christ, a counselor, AND a parent of two, one of whom identifies as LGBTQ+.

Born and raised LDS, I did alllll the things:

  • I was baptized and confirmed a member at age 8.
  • I was actively involved in primary and youth classes until I turned 17 and graduated HS.
  • I went on a mission.
  • I graduated from BYU (twice)
  • I was married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple
  • I have two amazing and beautiful kids.
  • I could go on…..

I had checked all the boxes (or so I thought) and found out over three years ago there was another one.  I learned God had sent us a choice individual, one of the most precious spirits from our Heavenly Parents.  He sent us a kiddo who identifies as LGBTQ+.

Work with me

One of the things...

I wish I had 3 years ago was someone to to show me the ropes as I began this journey!  Although there was some, the available information was limited.  How was I to parent my LGBTQ+ child having come from a conservative faith background?  Click below for a booklet that’s helped me by the Family Acceptance Project. It gives a research and faith based approach to creating supportive families and healthy kiddos.

Here is where I come in.  I work with parents–like you — of LGBTQ+ kiddos who come from a conservative faith background and whose foundation has been rocked!  When the tenets of one’s faith and the lived experience of your family and/or child don’t match up, the cognitive dissonance can be overwhelming.  

If you feel fearful about the uncertainty of an unknown future and what it holds for you and your family…

I help individuals and their families embrace rather than fear uncertainty and the unknown.  

FEAR doesn’t go away unless you face it.  

I can give you the tools to help you see the cognitive dissonance you experience as a doorway to a bigger, stronger, more expansive and beautiful faith.  

Ready to move forward?  I’m ready whenever you are!  Click above to get started.  

Resource Guide for LGBTQ+ Families

Get Yours!

I created this guide so that you have everything you need in one place.  I would have LOVED this type of a resource.  

It includes links to all things that have proven helpful and to be a lifeline at one point or another in my journey: books, podcasts, organizations, support groups, links to articles and research, and so on.

No matter where you are in your journey, you need this guide. Click below to get yours.  And, if you see things missing, please email me!  I would love to add it.

Client Testimontials

What others have expressed after working with me...

Having a consult gives you and me the opportunity to determine...

if we are a good fit!

If you are overwhelmed at where to start, I’ll help you.  You don’t have to know everything at once.

I’ll walk with you and help you find and do the next right thing with compassion, clarity and confidence.

Let’s get started!  On our first call together, you will walk away with at least one new, life-changing tool.  You have nothing to lose, everything to gain!

My Signature Program

Life Outside the Binary™

 Our work together focuses on 3 areas:

(1) Identity Work—I help you “see” the stories you’ve written about you and your life. It’s not always easy to notice and examine them when you are living inside of them.

(2) Core Values—Identifying your core values helps establish your foundation when you are going through a process of what you KNOW right now verses what you THOUGHT you knew verses what you are LEARNING. Life can feel pretty topsy turvy.

(3) Process Emotions—I help my clients Process their Emotions, To FEEL-not run from their emotions and embrace, metabolize, and heal them.

Life Outside the Binary™

When you experience an awakening and see for yourself the world is not all black and white. You choose which of your long held stories align, and live outside the ones that don't.™
  • Contributing Level - you have means to access this care and pay it forward for others $2,700
  • Sustaining Level - you are in a secure place, comfortable enough to invest in yourself $1,800
  • Recieving Level - you have limited resources currently & are in a position to recieve $1,200
Signature p

The one thing that is certain in life.....

is Change!

Change can be hard. The temptation will be to resist it, however that just causes the ‘hard’ to get bigger.  I can show you how to lean into the hard.  Help me, help you.    Start with this FREE change resiliency quiz–it will give you insight into your strengths while also pointing out areas to focus on.  Then, schedule a complimentary discover coaching call and let’s chat about it!  


In 45" or less...

I have come to learn for myself that the opposite of faith is not doubt, but rather the opposite of faith is certainty!  Having doubt is to be fundamentally human.  Asking questions is the first step to finding answers!  It is a segue into finding confidence and clarity in your faith journey. 

Join me as I share how having questions and doubts has played a role in my journey.  Each episode is 45 minutes or less and publishes weekly.  Perhaps some of it will ring true for you.  Click the headphones to listen; if it resonates I invite you to rate and review, and also share it with others who could benefit!

Let's connect!

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